"Old Plaster Bust Workshop Bust: Roger Bésus End Of 20th Century School Of Rouen Sculpture"
Old workshop bust by Roger Besus Plaster proof 53 cm high by 39 cm wide In good condition, with a few chips Visible in the shop. Find us on antiquites-monfuturanterieur.fr and on Insta mon_futur_anterieur Certificate invoice on request About: Roger Bésus, born in Bayeux on January 18, 1915 and died in Rouen on February 17, 1994, is a French writer and sculptor. Roger Bésus spent his childhood and adolescence in Le Havre. He added to his professional activity as a State Public Works engineer, first that of a novelist, then that of a sculptor. From 1947 to 1971, he published eighteen novels. His romantic work has been compared by Albert Béguin to that of Georges Bernanos Like Faulkner or Balzac, he has the ambition to paint a total society. In 1977, Roger Bésus stopped publishing and discovered a second vocation to which he devoted himself with the same seriousness and the same ardor, while continuing to regularly keep his journal. It's a new life. Already, in April 1975, he wrote: “my passion for sculpture is growing to an unimaginable point. I feel like a sculptor..." He immediately embarked on the path of figurative sculpture, which had then fallen into disfavor in favor of the compressions of a César Baldaccini or the stackings of an Arman, in a word what he calls " anti-sculpture", not without adding "that deep down, we cannot help but say to ourselves that what we create today, it is not a question of comparing it to what is created in the very moment around, it is a question of introducing it into the lineage of works of all time.” In his house in Bierville, part of which he transformed into a workshop, “he took up sculpture, committing himself to this new career as if he had eternity at his disposal,” writes his friend and executor Evelyne Le Corronc, “Sa writer's sensitivity, remarked the art critic André Ruellan after his death, turned to the busts and bodies whose expressions he captured and whose beauty he expressed without worrying about fashions or trends, but with honesty of a good and intelligent man. Roger Bésus died in Rouen on February 17, 1994. On his grave, in the West Cemetery in Bayeux, were placed, at his request, his self-portrait and the work he had titled She Who Cannot Forget.