"Shakyamuni Buddha In Bronze, Myanmar, Mandalay."
This Burmese image of the historic Shakyamuni Buddha makes a gesture known as bhumisparsha-mudra, or “taking the earth to witness.” Made in bronze, with lost wax, the work dates from the 19th century, Mandalay period (1853-1948). The craftsman took particular care in expressing serenity and compassion, notably through the use of shells (probably cowrie shells) to create his eyes. Donor inscriptions can be seen on the front of its base. Provenance: Estate of the collector and art dealer Claude de Marteau. Sold with certificate of provenance. Learn more about the life and plays of Claude de Marteau? https://www.thecdmcollection.be H 39 cm x W 31 cm x D 19 cm Approximately 5 kg