"Jean Pascaud Attributed To, Armchairs Art Deco"
Reference: Aguttes sale Decorative Arts of the twentieth, 18 November 2011, lot 632, 2500-3000 is for an identical model but in poor condition. Pair of easy chairs in mahogany Apaire of armless medallion backrest and trapezoidal seat, fully covered with a tapestry patterned studded blue landscape on a beige background, resting on four feet slashed. Around 1940. H: 88 cm L: 53 cm D: 55 cm (Gaps and use of stripes). Pair of mahogany chairs covered completely Call unites in tapestrPaire of studded medallion chauffeuses mahogany back and trapezoidal seat, fully covered with a tapestry patterned studded blue landscape on a beige background, resting on four feet slashed. Around 1940. H: 88 cm L: 53 cm D: 55 cm (Gaps and use of stripes). Pair of mahogany chairs covered completely Call unites in studded tapestry. Circa 1940 H: 34 2/3 L: 21 D: 21 2/3 in.y. Circa 1940 H: 34 2/3 L: 21 D: 21 2/3 in.cajou medallion backrest and trapezoidal seat, fully covered with a tapestry patterned studded blue landscape on a beige background, resting on four feet slashed . Around 1940. H: 88 cm L: 53 cm D: 55 cm (Gaps and use of stripes). Pair of mahogany chairs covered completely Call unites in studded tapestry. Circa 1940 H: 34 2/3 L: 21 D: 21 2/3 in.