"Kirman Wool Rug, Iran, 1930s/1940s"
Fine and original Kirman rug made of quality silky lambswool velvet on cotton foundations, of Iranian origin, dating from the 1930s/1940s. Decor called "earthly paradise", is characterized by a midnight blue field with decoration of crenellated mirhab, a hanging oil lamp decorated with a multitude of very original animals including the monkey and the lion, birds suspended on numerous richly flowered, finely drawn trees of life surrounded by crenellated foliage in the shape of rams' horns in twists. Note the double ruby spandrels with the symmetry of two parrots which form a remarkable balance, also the triple borders of which the main ruby has a decoration reminiscent of the central field. Density: 7500 knots per dm2 Dimensions: Length: 205 cm Width: 138 cm