"The Apothecary Alchemist Painting Oil On Panel Period Late 18th Century"
Painting, oil on walnut panel representing an Apothecary Alchemist in his back shop, sitting on a seat, looking thoughtful, his dog at his feet, with all decoration, table covered with a carpet with numerous objects, books, glassware, skinned and around him mortar, jars and copper on the ground. On the left side, there is a cage, bottles and earthenware pot. Cabinet of curiosity atmosphere. In the background on the right we can see a shop with three figures and a shelf with pots, lit by a stained glass window. This painting bears the signature at the bottom right of Bilcoq for Louis Marc Antoine BILCOQ (1755 – 1838) Period painting from the end of the 18th century. This table presents “tarred” parts in the background due to an alteration in the preparation of the panel. Dimensions: Height: 37.9 cm – Length: 46.5 cm
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