"Quality Lady Taking The Cool On The Lawn, Dressed Engraving 18th Century Fabric 18th Century"
Charming dressed engraving from the 18th century, representing an elegant woman under a tree, a bird resting on her hand. Overall dimensions: 32 x 26 cm - Dimensions at sight: 24 x 17. In a later gilded wood frame. The legend does not appear and is reproduced on the back: Lady of quality who takes the fresh air on the lawn. Chez N. Bonnart, rue St Jacques à l'aigle with privilege. Good general appearance (a few spots to which my photographs give more importance than they have). "These engravings apply the codes of fashion to "portraits" which are very successful, showing in a favorable light those of whom the city speaks, in their court finery at the same time as in a suggestive intimacy. This can take quasi-public appearances - the woman of quality who takes the fresh air on the lawn, lying in a garden, becomes an effigy of Anne de Morlon - or private, inviting queens and duchesses into the interiors." (Pascale Cugy, The making of the desirable body: fashion engraving under Louis XIV).