"Palladian Style Fireplace In Brèche De Waulsort And Noir De Mazy Marble, Ca.1850"
A rare and unusual 19th century Palladian style fireplace, made out of famous Belgian marbles: Brèche du Waulsort and Noir de Mazy. A perfect match! Well designed, impressive fireplace. It has a beautiful, deep concave frieze, with a Noir de Mazy lozenge-panel in the center, beneath a shaped and stepped shelf. The jambs and header are with a strong bollection. This tall fireplace will be delivered with original Noir de Mazy frontfloor-tiles. We have also in stock: original foyer-tiles to finish the intérior. Ca.1850 - Brussels. Worldwide shipping. Delivery in Europe can be done by Antique Fireplaces First: 'In House Delivery'.