"Engravings By Alex Mochetti (1760?-1812) - Louis XVI."
Engravings by Alex Mochetti (1760?-1812) - Louis XVI. Fascinating engravings by Alessandro Mochetti (1760?-1812) depicting illustrious ecclesiastical figures, in the lower part of the portraits the family coats of arms of the characters depicted are engraved with a brief caption of their lives. Each engraving is framed by a double Pompeian red frame. The external perimeter is enriched by a Greek decoration, typical of the Louis XVI period and on each corner there is a red flower. The state of conservation is fair, the engraving on paper is applied to canvas. The paper is missing on the bottom left corner, as is a little on the upper part at the level of the fret. In the lower part you can see a slightly darker halo. But, in my opinion, the work still remains fascinating. Measurements: cm. 53.5 x 41. Period: Louis XVI.