- By Jean-Louis Buttner, master goldsmith
- Strassburg, 1798-1809
- Height: 3.9cm; diameter: 3.9cm (at the lip), 3.4cm (at the base); weight: 270g (approximately 45g per cup)
- Good state of conservation, very good condition of the silver-gilt, some wear to the edges.
- Set of six cups with slightly frustoconical sides probably intended for travel.
- A set of 1775 of this type is kept in its case at the Musée de Arts Décoratifs in Paris (Inv. 30730)
- Hallmarks (under the base): master goldsmith: capital B between two stars, for Jean-Louis Buttner, master goldsmith in Strasbourg from 1786; Title: horizontal octagon, a rooster taking flight on the left and the number 2 at the bottom left, for the 2nd title of 800 thousandths, Province, 1798-1809; Guarantee: Head of a man facing forward with the numbers 7 and 8 on either side of the head, medium guarantee, Strasbourg, 1798-1809; re-punched (during commercial resale? on the edge of the lip): Title: head of an old man in profile on the left with the number 2 at the bottom right, for the 2nd title of 800 thousandths, Province, 1809-1819; Guarantee: in an oval, a man's head in profile on the left with the numbers 6 and 5 on either side of the head, medium guarantee, Strasbourg, 1809-1819.
- Ref. : Haug, Hans : « Le siècle d’or de l’orfèvrerie à Strasbourg », catalogue d’exposition chez Jacques Kugel du 10 au 31 octobre 1964, Paris, 1964 ; Haug, Hans : « L’orfèvrerie à Strasbourg, Inventaire des collections publiques françaises » Paris, 1978 ; Mabille, Gérard : « Orfèvrerie française des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Catalogue raisonné des collections du Musée des Arts Décoratifs et du Musée Nissim de Camondo », Paris, Flammarion, 1984 ; Martin, É. & Pesneaud-Antheaume, A.-Cl. : « Deux siècles d’orfèvrerie à Strasbourg. XIIIe –XIXe siècles dans les collections d’orfèvrerie du musée des Arts décoratifs », Strasbourg, Ed. des Musées de Strasbourg, 2004.