"“drowsy Young Haitian Woman” Pierre Louis Riché (1954 -)"
Pierre Louis Riché was born on October 19, 1954 in Cap-Haitien. He joined the workshop of the Capois painter, Philomé Obin. Initially, he created paintings of a historical nature. Then in search of his own style, almost as a game, he makes his characters gain weight. It was in the 90s that he forced the line and drew them obese. The “big potatoes” style, as he himself defines it, was born and made him famous. Riché's work is very finely executed and richly colored. He paints several canvases at once, working on small areas before moving on to another, allowing him to complete multiple works. "The grotesque appearance of Riché's subjects is his way of injecting satire into his images", as Gérald Alexis depicts his art in his book Peintres Haitiens. Pierre Louis RICHE has exhibited all over the world, in Japan, the United States, Latin America, Africa... France discovered him during an exhibition in Nice in 1999. Oil on canvas signed at the bottom right. Format: 25 x 25 cm with frame: 32 x 33 cm