"Bronze Sculpture " David Avant Le Combat " By Antonin Mercié"
Antonin Mercié, French sculptor, medallist and painter (Toulouse 1845 - Paris 1916) was a student of Jouffroy and Falguière. Grand Prix de Rome at the age of 23 (1868), he achieved his first resounding success with Gloria Victis placed in the courtyard of the Hôtel de Ville in Paris and David who received the medal of honor at the Salon. He is the author of numerous statues and ornamental sculptures. We also owe him the bronze statuette of Victory placed in 1875 in the hands of Napoleon I of the Vendôme column. There are also numerous commemorative and funerary monuments such as that of Louis Philippe and Queen Marie Amélie. If he had prestigious teachers, he trained sculptors such as Chiparus, Sandoz and Brancusi at the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Mark of the Barbedienne founder.