The photographs were taken with the glass, hence certain inaccuracies and reflections.
Frame dimensions: 75 x 94 cm. Sheet dimensions: 62 x 81 cm. Copper engraving.
The margins are intact although yellowed. The engraving is in good condition. No tears.
"Molière reading his Tartuffe at Ninon de l'Enclos", Dedicated and presented to the King, engraved by JL Anselin (1754-1823), Baron of Calais after his drawing. Painted by Nicolas André Monsiau (Paris, 1754-1837) and presented at the Salon of 1802.
Nicolas Monsiau paints a picture of the literary and artistic society of the reign of Louis XIV with Lully, the Corneille brothers, La Fontaine and many others. In the middle of this ideal audience, Molière plays the role of the creative genius fighting against censorship.
Museum des châteaux de Malmaison et de Bois-Préau.