- Colorless blown and wheel-engraved glass
- Eastern France - Circa 1750
- Perfect condition
- Height: 16.8 cm; diameter of the bowl: 7.2 cm; diameter of the foot: 7.8 cm
- Large blown and molded glass on foot. The cup is decorated on its edge with a wheel-cut frieze, the hollow, slightly conical six-sided leg. The foot has a hemmed edge.
- Blown glass in three gobs, conical cut, molded polylobed leg and hemmed flat foot. Two glasses are represented in Jacqueline Béllanger's “use and prestige glass…”, one p.477 of the same type without engraved decoration, given for the first half of the 18th century (probably due to its absence of engraving), one second p.486 with an engraved conical cup with molded channels, given for the mid-century.
- Ref. : Béllanger, Jacqueline; “Verre d'usage et de prestige, France 1500-1800”, Les éditions de l’Amateur, 1988