Gilded bronze plaquette, the Wounded Christ, workshop of Antonio Abondio, Austria, c.1600
This very thin gilded bronze plaquette depicts the Christ exhibiting his stigmata from the crucifixion. Crown by a thin rays halo, both arms bended upwards, he shows the wounds in his hands where some blood springs from, as well as from the wound in his torso. Two angels that keep opened his chlamys received during the crowning with thorns, collect in two chalices the flowing blood. Four little cherubs in a scenery of cloud garnish the background. This representation that appears in Italy in the 15th century and that has spread in all Europe, is designed to emphasise on suffering of Christ to redeem the sins of men.
Excellent condition, well preserved gilding, nice specimen.
Réf: Musée du Louvre, OA 9189
Cleveland MoA, 1936.23
Height: 8,2 cm
Width: 6,1 cm