fines oxydations réparties sur la carte, réemmargée anciennement sur les 2 cotés latéraux.
Etat correct.
Format feuille : 77,5 x 36 cm.
Format gravure : 72,5 x 39 cm.
Original antique map of 1710.
Les quatre grandes monarchies des Assyriens, des Perses, des Grecs et des Romains.
Large texte explicatif sur 4 colonnes, dressées pour bien entendre Flavius Joseph, auteur entre autre, de l’histoire des Juifs et les conflits entre Rome et Jérusalem.
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Original proof made around 1710. Nicolas de Fer cartographer. fine oxidations distributed on the map, formerly re-embedded on the 2 lateral sides. Good condition. Sheet size: 77.5 x 36 cm. Engraving format: 72.5 x 39 cm. Original antique map of 1710. The four great monarchies of the Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans. Large explanatory text on 4 columns, set up to clearly understand Flavius Joseph, author, among other things, of the history of the Jews and the conflicts between Rome and Jerusalem. You can consult all the maps and engravings available in your region by clicking on the link to our website specializing in ancient geographical archives: -antique-maps/middle-east/iran/carte-histoire-des-4-monarchies-du-monde/ Secure payment by credit card on our website by clicking on the link: https://cartes-livres-anciens. com/product/old-geographic-maps-original-antique-maps/middle-east/iran/historical-map-of-4-monarchies-of-the-world/ All our maps and engravings are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity .