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Oil Painting On Canvas
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Object description :

"Oil Painting On Canvas"
Child portrait. GÉNOLHAC Pierre Albert Born February 27, 1896. Died in June 1964. 20th century. French. Painter of figures, nudes, landscapes, watercolorist, pastelist, engraver, illustrator. He studied in Nice, then was a student at the School of Decorative Arts in 1917-1918. In 1919, he received the advice of Paul Sérusier, in 1923, that of Maurice Denis. He exhibited fairly regularly in Paris, since 1925 at the Salon d'Automne, since 1947 at the Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l'eau. In other places, he appeared in particular for wood engraving. He also showed his work in his personal exhibitions: in Paris, Besançon, Colmar, Nice, Nîmes, Marseille. In the very diversified techniques that he practiced, he was above all a painter of landscapes, brought from Nice, Provence, the Cévennes, Aix-les-Bains, Nancy, Alsace. Public Auctions: Niort, November 28, 1981: Les baigneuses, h/t (72x60): FRF 2,500. Bénézit 1999 edition
Price: 450 €
Artist: Pierre-albert Genolhac
Period: 20th century
Style: Other Style
Condition: En l'etat

Material: Oil painting
Length: 50
Width: 61

Reference: 1257733

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Genolhac Olivier
Oil Painting On Canvas


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