This mask was guatemalteca from the beginning of the XX second, scolpita in wood and used for the dance of Riconquista (Baila de la Conquista), vividly decorated a European man, presumably Spanish.
In good condition of conservation with authentic polichromia of the time.
The brutal and sharp expression, even if it is a vivid color, will cause the negative perception of this person from the part of the native population.
This is the opening of the eye, ed i fori per l’narici.
La danza della conquista is a mess in scene of dramatic dance that was born at the end of the XVI century, introduced by brother domenicani in Guatemala.
If there is a teaching story that I have used by others to believe it is indigenous to the conquest of Guatemala, it is possible to thank for its natural and spiritual nature.
This mask, it also offers a historical and cultural significance, it can have a beautiful decorative effect in various contests, even in a ricco di oggetti atmosphere antichi che in a modern spazio of design, aggiungendo a unique and fascinating touch all its presence.