central medallion: AF in cursive letters, polychrome rotating decor of a large garland of old roses, after Redouté's watercolors, Immaculate gold interior .
Under pedestal, hollow mark: PAIN, according to my research, it could be: PAIN, Henry: turner -1804-1816, or PAIN*, Charles Antoine: painter, gilder 1815-1821 Both also worked in Sèvres.
Concerning Redouté's roses: (thank you municipal library of Lyon)
Pierre-Joseph Redouté, "Raphaël of flowers" Born in Belgium 1759, he moved to Paris 1782, became the protégé of Marie-Antoinette and received the title of designer and painter of the Queen's Cabinet. A few years later, Empress Joséphine made him her official painter. The gardens of the Château de Malmaison, where Joséphine had 250 different species of roses planted, were the origin of his famous work: Roses, the summit of botanical bibliophily .
Dimensions = 11.8cm x 9cm, condition of this porcelain is impeccable.
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