"Wedding Box, Jewelry, Crossbow, 1st Half 19th Century Decorated With Musician Cherubs."
Curious little wedding box, jewelry box, provincial work from the first half of the 19th century (North, Normandy?...) Solid oak worked in a crossbow on all sides, curved top. Copper and embossed brass ornaments of musical cherubs, cherubs, flower garlands and rows of pearls. The interior, originally lined with light silk, (still visible in places) seems to have been covered later with a fabric decorated with birds in a very "Napoleon III" style... This box, complete if the Except for the key, is in good condition... two corners seem to have been glued, but the whole thing is very solid. The bottom is flat, the hinges are fixed with very thin screws. Height = 11.5 cm; Length = 17.5cm; Width = 12 cm Weight = 459 grams