Oil on canvas (47 cm x 42 cm) and its frame (60 cm x 55 cm).
Literature Louis-Léopold Boilly was born about twenty kilometers from Lille in a modest environment. Raised in Douai, he learned to paint with Charles-Alexandre-Joseph Caullet until the age of seventeen. He then studied trompe-l'oeil painting in Arras with Dominique Doncre before settling in Paris in 1785. To live, he became a portrait painter. Between 1789 and 1791, he executed a series of commissions for the Avignon collector Esprit Calvet. His first style is reminiscent of the sentimental or moralizing style of Greuze and Fragonard in the 18th century, a genre to which he gradually incorporated the precision of the Dutch masters of the previous century, of whom he possessed an important collection. He exhibited for the first time at the Salon of 1791 and became known as much for his portraits and trompe-l'oeil paintings as for his genre scenes with gallant or ribald themes. In 1794, he was denounced by the painter Jean-Baptiste Wicar, a Puritan revolutionary, and the Republican Society of the Arts threatened to have him prosecuted for obscenity by the Committee of Public Safety. In his defence, he invited the agents of the Committee to come to his studio and showed them a series of canvases on patriotic subjects, including a Triumph of Marat executed on the occasion of the year II competition organized by the revolutionary government. His meticulously observed and executed paintings reflect all the diversity of urban life, its costumes and its customs, between the revolutionary period and the Restoration. They were highly appreciated by the public at the Salon, who awarded him a gold medal in 1804. In 1823, Boilly produced a series of humorous lithographs entitled Les Grimaces. He was made a Knight of the Legion of Honor and became a member of the Institut de France in 1833. His work, which totals around 4,500 portraits (of which only the tenth has come down to us) and five hundred genre scenes, goes from fashion after the Restoration. It is especially appreciated today for its documentary interest. Boilly is certainly the only painter opposing revolutionary regimes, from the Terror to the Empire. He paints the life of small people and the greatest, peaceful; when the official painting praised the battles, the coronation ...
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