"Dan Bronze Bracelet."
Lost wax bronze bracelet made of nine bells. Geometric and cowrie shell decoration. Dan people, Ivory Coast, 19th century period. High: 4.5 cm. Length: 17 cm. Width: 14.5 cm. Bell bracelets are among the most beautiful productions of the Dan-Gueré-Wobé regions. Called “Gli Djè” meaning young girl’s ring, it was worn by young women whose body ornaments could be associated with the decorations of these prestigious objects. The number of bells generally varying from 3 to 14, it defined the social rank of their wearer. Anklets with 3 to 5 bells are worn by modest young girls and single women, beyond that they are reserved for the elite and the daughters of chefs. They could also be worn occasionally by healers. This bracelet comes from an important old private collection.