Oil on panel; cm 42 x 25.8
This artwork is accompanied by an expertise of Prof.ssa Francesca Parrilla, Curator at the Vatican Museums in Rome.
In the expertise, available upon request, the following masters are named multiple times, precisely:
Michelangelo, 6 times;
Marcello Venusti, 3 times;
Giulio Romano (and his workshop), twice;
Sebastiano del Piombo, ounce;
Giotto, oz.
This just to give an idea of the “cultural area of provenance” of such an artwork.
And the Museum's references in the same expertise to other artworks which have common features are:
Ashmolean, Oxford
British Museum, London
Museum of Grenoble;
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Lacma), European Art.
It is precisely from the Lacma Museum in Los Angeles that one can find an artwork very similar to ours, attributed by the museum to Giovanni Battista Cremonini.
The panel is currently in our warehouse in Italy.