Louis Philippe period 19th - France
The cardboard box or office filing cabinet is a storage unit containing a certain number of boxes. In each of them is inserted a cardboard box, hence the name of the piece of furniture, responsible for storing manuscripts, papers and various documents. If the cardboard maker appeared under Louis XVI, it was under Louis Philippe that it became very widespread, particularly in the offices of lawyers and notaries. Having to contain important and, above all, confidential documents, these pieces of furniture will very quickly be equipped with centralized closing mechanisms like this cardboard box.
The Louis-Philippe style is during the period called the July Monarchy under the reign of Louis-Philippe from 1830 to 1848. It follows the Restoration style and will be replaced by the Second Empire style (also called Napoleon III style). It is a style of busy and wealthy bourgeois, torn between the concern for their comfort and the desire to give themselves letters of nobility. The first part of Louis-Philippe's period of sovereignty coincided with the reign of Romanticism. Secondly, realism experienced significant growth. In reaction against romantic sentimentality, this movement seeks to depict reality as it is.
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