Magnificent work from the 18th century, from Eastern France.
The sauté chest of drawers appeared in the Regency style, between 1705 and 1730, then became widespread in the Louis XV style. The jumping chest of drawers or “cressent chest of drawers” was invented around 1720 by the cabinetmaker Charles CRESSENT in the middle of the Regency style period. Wishing to stand out from the heavy and massive Louis XIV style, he created a tapered and graceful, almost airy shape. This important evolution in the history of styles foreshadows the advent of light and rounded furniture in the Louis XV style. It only has two drawers (or two rows of drawers). The body is raised on half-height feet, half of the height of the furniture having to be taken up by the body, the other half by the feet. The observer thus has the impression that the piece of furniture has legs allowing it to jump like a frog. The facade is most often straight. Delivery in France and abroad: Contact us