Object also called ball of justice known as Bumba people Vili Democratic Republic of Congo the Bumba is an oracle of justice made up of a fetish monkey skull inserted in a circular woven basketwork basket and a bell inserted inside. around 1960-1970
This nkisi (magical or therapeutic force) is designated by the term bumba (pronounced boumba) or mbwiiba, which means, among other things, a grave, a medicine ball, a trap - but it is also a verb which , in the active form, translates as: sow to reap.
The Nkisi Bumba are generally composed of monkey skulls (dog, gorilla, chimpanzee and lemur) but the very first included an overmodeled human skull, to which medical substances were sometimes added.
Several modes of use have been revealed: for example, in a Vili village, it was in the form of a ball of woven rattan and treated, by imposition, constipation, bloating and other stomach aches.
It was mainly used by women and was called bumba massi (the bumba of the waters), the medicine then bringing together simple people.
Source: Based on a study by Raoul Lehuard (1933-2020).
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