"Portrait Of A Lady Of The Bourgeoisie."
Portrait of a woman with a severe appearance. This type of portrait is characteristic of productions executed in the first half and middle of the 17th century. Previous to the era of "preciousness", the portraits of "quality" women of the kingdom of France at the beginning of the 17th century borrow from the canons of Spanish portraits of the "Golden Age". To be recognized, the subject must be combined with a certain social rank. Purchase of offices, ennoblement then social recognition are therefore the necessary steps to receive dignity in the society of orders (the paulette of 1604 which became the famous "savonnette à villains" under Louis XIV...). is therefore not a "little pomponée" who is portrayed here but rather a middle-aged woman, imbued with a certain experience and integrating a network of elites through the game of matrimonial alliances. Severity and austerity but also grace and natural elegance. 19th century gilded wood frame.