"Lacquered Work Table, Side Table, Accordion Sewing Furniture, 19th Century France"
This Asian-inspired lacquered wood worker is a beautiful expandable sewing box covered with lacquer on all sides. On the upper part, intended to receive sewing materials, the sides are decorated with birds, branches and flowers. The top is adorned with a larger natural scene. When this item is opened, a landscape lacquer with houses is present. In this space, a removable compartmentalized element is present. Just below is an element, a silk pocket to place sewing work in progress. The decorations are typical of Asian inspiration; This beautiful work table - side table - worker - sewing cabinet is a very beautiful piece of history. The finesse of the work and the conservation of this small piece of furniture demonstrate its quality. Practical and designed to be useful, it has a double compartment and a work basket. The upper compartment has several compartments and is removable. 19th century - Napoleon III period - Chinese inspiration - France.