"Mediterranean Landscape And Corsica? At The Grand Pin Parasol Oil By Raymond Jean Verdun 1873 1954"
Mediterranean Landscape And Corsica? Au Grand Pin Parasol Oil By Raymond Jean Verdun 1873 1954 dimensions 47 x 55 cm - painter's stamp on the back signed lower right the painting is in its used condition with some very small interventions over time see the back in the photograph but it is above all the majesty of this umbrella pine which magnifies this work by Raymond Verdun - Raymond Jean Verdun, born in 1873 in Nogent-le-Rotrou, and died in 1954, is a French landscape painter. Born in 1873 in Nogent-le-Rotrou, Raymond Jean Verdun was a student of Henri Harpignies, a great French painter. Like Harpignies, he painted trees, giving his landscapes an impression of robustness and serenity2. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in Paris and received an honorable mention in 19092. Raymond Jean Verdun died in 19542.