This wonderful piece of furniture comes from the famous "hostellerie des Vieux Plats" in Normandy, France.
This must-see inn was founded in 1766 and bought by Edmond Aubourg (artist, collector) in 1865. He named it L’Hostellerie des Vieux Plats in homage to his passion for earthenware.
L’Hostellerie des Vieux Plats had an unparalleled destiny and a worldwide reputation!
A popular place of passage, the Hostellerie des vieux plats is marked by the traces of many illustrious people, writers such as G. De Maupassant, A. Gide, M. Leblanc, V. Hugo, J.P. Sartre, A. Camus, musicians such as R. Wagner, G. Fauré, C. Gounod…, painters such as Claude Monet, but also kings and queens, the king of the Belgians, the queen of Spain and politicians, notably F. Faure, R. Coty, Churchill…
The Neo Renaissance style appears contemporary with the advent of Louis Philippe (1830 - 1848) with the Inspirations of the Renaissance, Henry II and the Italian Renaissance. England - 19th