"Portrait Of Georges Sand By Nadar C.1865"
Portrait of Georges SAND (1804-1876) French novelist, playwright, literary critic and journalist. Business card format 5.2 x 8.7 cm C.1865 Georges Sand did not appreciate his first photographic experience. Nadar was able to give him confidence in this new Medium. He will be the only one who can photograph her and a true friendship will arise from his exchanges. Nadar greatly admires Georges Sand. He knows how to capture its serenity as in this shot. Sarah Bernhardt, Gustave Courbet, Charles Baudelaire, Eugène Delacroix… They all posed in front of Nadar's lens! Real name Félix Tournachon (1820–1910), Nadar is undoubtedly the celebrity photographer of the 19th century. This brilliant visionary and experimenter left his mark on the history of images by becoming the first aerial photographer, but also the artist of sensitive photographic portraiture, at a time of the almost industrial development of this new medium.