"Bronze Chest With The Apostles And Signs Of The Zodiac (casket, Box)"
Small nickel-plated bronze chest decorated with the apostles and zodic signs Period 19th century key and lock in working order Delivery 20 euros The association of the signs of the Zodiac with the apostles is recurrent in the Middle Ages and contributes to their re-semanticization. They were, for example, associated on two ivory reliquaries from the 9th century. Around the edges of these boxes, the apostles are depicted under arches whose glasses are occupied by the signs of the Zodiac. We thus find the device of the arch making it possible to emphasize the link between the zodiac signs and the apostles and to signify the establishment of order. The zodiacal circle appears as a place of passage in different ways, between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, between times and spaces, between the human and the divine.