"Peter Paul Rubens “the Walk Of Silenus”, 18th Century Engraving"
Beautiful engraving made by Nicolas de Launay after the work of Pierre Paul Rubens. This engraving represents a bacchanalian scene featuring Silene, a mythological character. In this scene, Silenus is in the center, drunk on wine. He is held by two satyrs, mythological characters known for their excess and their pleasure in making him drunk with wine. Above Silenus is the Aegean nymph who squeezes blackberry juice in her hands. To the right of the composition is a figure playing a flute. On the left, another satyr who intoxicates a villager, given the presence of a goat in the lower left corner. This shepherd has an empty jug in his hand. Also in this lower left corner are two children holding vines in their hands.