"Couple Of Musicians In Polychrome Porcelain From The Meissen Manufacture Representing Malabar And Malabarin."
- Couple of musicians in polychrome porcelain from the Meissen porcelain factory located in the province of Saxony in Germany, representing the couple Malabar guitar player and Malabarin hurdy-gurdy player. - Signed in blue with the Meissen factory stamp of the two crossed swords. - Model created in 1748 by Friedrich Elias Meyer for the Meissen porcelain factory. - the bases are solid, number 1576 and 85 in hollow and number 75 painted in red for Malabarin, number 1569 in hollow and number 75 in red for Malabar. - Firing defect (retraction of material during firing) under the Malabar base in the middle of the signature of the two crossed swords. - 19th century period around 1840-1860.