"Woodwork Trumeau. Louis XVI Period. Gallant Scene And Mercury Mirror. End Of The 18th Century"
Interesting overmantel with nasturtium woodwork and Corinthian pilasters. the period mercury mirror topped with its oil on canvas. Both outlined in a molded and gilded wooden frame with heart stripes. Charmingly intimate scene: “A trifle from the door” or “loving foreplay” in a country setting. For a spicy anecdote, let us note that the French expressions describing the erotic beginnings often represented on the tops of doors and piers are few in number and often derogatory. Thus in 1741, the famous Dom Bougre, the hero of a loose novel attributed to Gervaise de Latouche (which describes the debauched life of Abbé Desfontaines), asked himself: "Would I have fun fooling around, kissing, to tickle, to rubbish finally? No, of course!” Parquet on the back in good condition. Around 1780. 18th century. Dimensions of the painted scene: 51 cm/ 65 cm Dimensions of the mirror: 51 cm/ 43 cm