"Painting By Bernard Aubertin"
Bernard AUBERTIN 1934 - 2015 Signed on the back - The authenticity of this work has been confirmed by the archives of Bernard AUBERTIN Bernard Aubertin met Yves Klein in 1957 in Paris. It was following this momentous meeting that he produced his first red monochromes. In 1961, Bernard Aubertin joined the German group of artists ZERO (Otto Piene, Heinz Mack, Günther Uecker) with whom he shared a distrust of language. “Art is not expression but knowledge, we do not have something to say, we can only be. » Bernard Aubertin. Attributing a liberating and prophetic value to red and “levitating fire” in which he sees a materialization of “extra-sensory” culture, Bernard Aubertin has since continued to develop his numerous “monochrome”, “square” series. , “red”, “fire”, “gold”, etc.