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The mask has its box and bag of brocade a second bag is present it is the one that protects the mask when the shite comes out of stage.The hair is very finely executed and the expression of the mask very sensitive The mask has a soul
This mask is known as O kasshiki (or simply Kasshiki) and represents a young lay Zen Buddhist monk, whose role is to announce the day's menu in the monastery dining room. It is easily recognizable by his fringe in the shape of a ginkgo leaf. The expression is that of an adolescent with a slightly feminine mouth revealing a row of upper teeth. The gingko-shaped lock which makes him easily recognizable shows that he is young and has not not yet received their tonsure. The name kashikki consists of two Japanese characters which mean "call" and "meal". Over time their functions became more varied. At the beginning of the Muromachi period they became skilled dancers and entertainers in the performing arts. At the end of the Muromachi period some were chosen for their physical charm by powerful samurai who stayed in the Rinzai Zen temples near Kyoto. Those who won the affection of the shogun or a Damyo wore luxury clothing and beauty products. In the representation of noh kasshiki is chosen to represent a main character, a handsome teenager gifted in dancing and entertainment tricks associated with the Buddhist temple. The main plays or plays kasshikki are "jinen kogi" the profane monk,, togan kogi and kagetsu: flower and moon