They have the same marli decoration in well-contrasted black: branches of oak leaves.
They are decorated with detailed scenes representing generals of the Empire.
Each plate is captioned as follows, in the order of the photos:
1 - General Desaix, wounded at Marengo
2 - General Dufour, capturing a redoubt from the Austrians
3 - General Verrières (October 7, 1798) seizing a howitzer
4 - General Rampon, at the Montelézimo redoubt, plays with his troop to die rather than surrender
5 - General Molitor marches to the aid of Ragusa and lifts the siege
6 - Mac Donald receives the Marshal's baton at Wagram
7 - General Miquel (Dec. 2, 1795) with 300 men of the 88 seizes Creutznach
8 - General Legros in the Tagliamento affair seizes 4 pieces of cannon
They are in good condition, no scratches or of fel, but as always with fine earthenware, a soft and porous material, there are scratches and small stains.
Watch carrefully the piccs please.
Early 19th century