"Jean Bastiste Bullet (1699-1775) Work “historical Research On Playing Cards” 1757"
Book "Historical Research on Playing Cards, With Critical and Interesting Notes, By the Author of Memoirs on the Celtic Language, 163 P. Published by Lyon: Chez J. Deville Libraire, rue Mercière, au grand Hercule, 1757. Dedication “To my lord the Marquis de Paulmy, Secretary of State. 18th century period, Jean Baptiste BULLET Jean-Baptiste Bullet, born in Besançon around 1699 and died on September 6, 1775, is a French theologian and historian. After having taught theology in Besançon for nearly fifty years, he died as dean of the university. Bullet is a correspondent for the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres and a member of the academies of Besançon, Lyon and Dijon. He is the author of a History of the Establishment of Christianity, of a Treatise on the Existence of God Demonstrated by Nature and of Answers to the Difficulties of Unbelievers against Various Places in the Holy Books. But he is known above all for his Memoirs on the Celtic language as well as for his Historical Research on playing cards and his Dissertation on various subjects of French history. It is in this last work that he maintains that the word fleur de lys does not come from the resemblance of this royal insignia with the flower of the same name but from the word "lis" which in the Celtic language would have meant "sovereign king" .