Beautiful testimony of friendship towards the Empress following the appointment of Elisa Bonaparte as princess of the principality of Lucca and Piombino: “Madam and dear sister, I hasten to express to you all my joy of the miraculous campaign which the emperor did in eight days. Nothing can match the satisfaction of the people of Lucca. They love the emperor; they regard him as their sovereign. They also cherish Joséphine. Believe me, Madam and dear sister, that I lose no opportunity to remember the friendship that you have always shown me and of which you have often given me proof. I love you not as the wife of the emperor but as a friend to whom I am only too happy to give proof. Allow my dear sister that the Prince of Lucca [Félix Baciocchi her husband] offers you his deep respect. I am with devotion your affectionate sister…”