This list is based on a historical document dating from 1945 with the following mention: List of active Members in chronological order of admission. Note that the first member Louis Audouin-Dubreuil was admitted on June 30, 1937 like the 16 following. The 86th member (Jules Rouch) was admitted on March 19, 1945. Note that between July 3, 1939 and June 27, 1944, the list of those admitted is imprecise like its 75th member (Jacques-Yves Cousteau) of whom we do not can precisely determine the date of admission like many other members admitted during this period corresponding to the German occupation in France. Louis Audouin-Dubreil 2- Gabrielle Bertrand 3- Bernard de Colmont 4- Jean-Marie Conty 5- Paul Coze 6- Bertrand Flornoy 7- Dr. Robert Gssaisin 8- Henri Lauga 9- Alfred Ernest (known as Fred) Matter-Steveniers 10- Ella Maillart 11- Théodore Monod 12- André Parrot 13- Michel Perez 14- Edgard Roland-Michel 15- Roger Tourte 16- Paul-Émile Victor