"Couple By Léopold Regnier, Oil On Panel"
In 1934, Léopold Regnier left France for Trinidad and Venezuela, before spending twenty years in Colombia as a biographer. Like Gauguin, he therefore leaves for countries where innocence and colors seem intact to him. It is true that many of his paintings refer to it, in their stylistic approach. The volumes of these naked women, with coffee-colored skin from the islands, bear witness to this. As for the use of colors, the painter holds nothing back, borrowing the wild palette of Fauvism. However, Léopold Reigner knew how to immerse himself in the different rich currents of the time. He therefore could not have missed Cubism, which he also revisited in his own way. Certainly, we are far from Braque and Picasso, but Reigner knew how to use, gently, the synthetic line and geometric fragmentation. The work is front and back, as is often the case with Regnier. On the back of the "couple" is painted an erotic female nude, one of the painter's favorite subjects. Monogrammed LR lower right. The frame is designed to be able to present both sides of the painting.