"Padmapani Lokeshvara"
This image of Padmapani represents a form of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, the lord of infinite compassion is standing in a graceful tribhanga, the left hand holds a lotus stem reaching up to his shoulder. He wears a diaphanous dhoti decorated with armbands. Her earrings mingle with her tiara also enriched with turquoise and coral (?), the face, inclined towards the world, displays a realistic benevolent expression. Copper alloy, with dark verdigris oxidations and some golden features (nose, lotus, and base). Tibet, circa 1900 or before. H 46.5 cm x W 14 cm x D 10 cm Provenance: Estate of the collector and art dealer Claude de Marteau Sold with certificate of provenance.