Matteo della Fede, called Matteo Pagano (act. 1543-1562)
Dated 1562
Gilt copper alloy, cast
Diam. 4 cm
Obverse: Bearded bust to the right
Reverse: Jupiter as an eagle gently placing Hercules as a baby over the breasts of Juno, nude and reclining, and surrounded by a circle of stars. Below, a bush of lilies with three little birds flying among the flowers.
A IOVE ET SORORE GENITA (Born of Jove and his sister)
Born Tomasso Giannozzi in Ravenna, Tomasso Rangone was later adopted by Count Guido Rangone. In 1528, he settled in Venice, where he was a successful physician and generous patron of the arts. The reverse represents the legendary creation of the Milky Way: Jupiter wished to give immortality to Hercules, his son by Alcmene, by having him fed by Juno. The infant fed with such vigor that some of Juno’s milk spilled out, creating the Milky Way in the sky and lily flowers on earth. Pollard suggests that the “adoption” of Hercules by Juno may allude to the sitter’s adoption by count Rangone. Attwood attributes the medal to an unidentified Venetian artist.