"Viking Ship Shaped Abstract Viennese Bowl With Dragon Head Handles Silver 800"
Vienna Art Nouveau silver bowl 800 circa 1910 In the shape of a Viking ship, abstract Viennese bowl with handles in the shape of a dragon's head 800 silver, Austria 1900 Viennese Art Nouveau bowl In the shape of a Viking ship, abstract handles in the shape of a dragon's head, 800 silver, Austria 1900 Planter with two handles, oval in shape, reminiscent of a Viking ship, geometrically sawn wall with triangles like combat shields, handle with abstract dragon heads. Austrian producer, master and inspection mark Fa. Marke WÜRBEL & CZOKALLY, AP in notched rectangle (Alfred Pollak, Alois Pokorny, Alois Pawliczek or A. Pfeufer), Vienna 1867-1972, greyhound head, official letter A , Vienna 1872-1922, Weight 461 g, Dimensions: width 31 cm, height 6.1 cm minimal traces of use, Elegant shape.
Viking Boat
Centerpiece - A silver drakkar. A Viking Longship.
The bow and stern decorated with monsters' heads, the edges of "shields".