Fine painting by Tuscan painter Affortunati, depicting a classic gallant scene inside an important Italian mansion
Signed at lower right
Measurements: Framed H 58 x W48.5 / Canvas H 39.5 x W 29 cm
Born in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana on August 11, 1906, to a Florentine father. Lives in Florence. He began his successes with vivid Tuscan landscapes, obtained according to the spirit and technique of the macchiaoli, but soon surpassed that first stage with research into light and movement. The macchia seemed to him too static and still, so he set out, as he says, to "fray it," so that it would give more vibration. Then he abandoned the paintbrush to take up the mestichino (small palette knife) with which, throwing the colors en masse onto the canvas, without spreading them out, he obtained greater shimmers. Remarkable are his paintings at even extensive sizes and dense with figures in motion, drawn with starry vigor and enlivened by vivid hues with intense light in the reflections of velvets and silks. His works appear in collections from the United States, Brazil, Switzerland, France, Germany Belgium, etc. An exhibition of his work in New York City recently met with lively acclaim.
(from A.M. Comanducci ediz 1962)