"Succinct Relation Of The Revolutions Of Paris And Versailles Dedicated To The Nation 1789"
Very rare first edition of this interesting account of the revolutionary days of July 12 to 21, 1789, with details of the death of the Minister of Finance FOULON and the intendant of Paris BERTHIER. Complete with the beautiful engraving of the "Demolition of the Bastille" by TETAR DEL. engraved by CAMPION sculp. We then linked the authentic description of the Bastille by Camille Desmoulins (1760-1794) decorated with a beautiful copper engraving of the facade of the Bastille and a folding plan. Two very rare publications on the French Revolution. Well-made binding around 1850 in red half-morocco with corners, smooth spine, title piece with smoked letters. Volume in-8 first chapter Revolutions of Paris 46 pages. second chapter Authentic description of the Bastille 34 pages.