"Madeleine Flaschner (1933-2022) - Oil On Canvas - The Sacré Coeur De Paris "
Madeleine Flaschner (1933-2022) - Oil On Canvas - Le Sacré Coeur De Paris Oil on canvas representing the Sacré Coeur in Paris Signature at the top left Visible at the Galerie Courcelles Antiquités, at 97 rue de Courcelles, in the 17th arrondissement of Paris . Madeleine Flaschner was Goerg's student in engraving. He chose her to be part of the “group of ten”, later renamed Pointe et Burin. A founding member of the association in 1956, she was secretary and treasurer from 1971 to 1978, president from 1978 to 2010 then honorary president and exhibitor until 2022. Her engravings and paintings have also received numerous awards (medal of 'gold of French artists, Chassériau prize of the Institute). Madeleine Flaschner was also a member of the Nationale des Beaux-Arts. For Jacques Houplain, engraver and art critic, Madeleine Flaschner produced an “etching made of intertwined graphics, obliterated with significant repentances, which reflect a perfect adequacy with her feelings of commiseration”. All of his work is imbued with a very powerful expression, which is nourished by an uncompromising vision of the human drama.