"The Gardens Of Villa Barberini In Rome Before 1850"
Interesting watercolor, giving an exact topographical survey of the state of the Villa Barberini and especially its gardens before 1850. Pierre Achille Poirot (1797-1855) is a painter who adds to the quality of his works, the precise look of the topographic architect. He is famous for having participated in the first excavations of Olympia. Here we have a quick survey of the places, which is a real document, because, Rome, in constant evolution, has seen the disappearance, like everywhere, of wonderful elements of its heritage, buried in modernity. The magnificent gardens of the past, witnesses to an art of living in danger, are the elements which are the most fragile and which are often amputated of numerous elements by the growth of modern constructions. This sheet, however modest it may be, is a call for reflection. Currently presented simply under glass with an old gold pass.