Rectangular dressing, with contoured edges.
Both sides are superbly engraved with leafy scrolls, natural flowers and fan.
The inside of the vinaigrette is made of vermeil.
The grid is superbly openwork and engraved with leafy scrolls as a reminder of the exterior ornament.
A bail allows you to wear the vinaigrette in a châtelaine or a pendant.
The box is punched:
. Lion passing for English massive silver
. Duty face
. Anchor for the city of Birmingham
. Letter date f for the year 1880 - 1881.
. Goldsmith's punch to be identified: CC
Length 4 cm
Width 3 cm
Thickness 1 cm
Slight and normal oxidation of the vermeil inside due to the use of a scent.
The same vinaigrette is visible on alamyimages