"Male Modesty By Léon Zack Russian School"
Superb oil on glass from the artist's Brussels period around 1933. There are some brownish spots. The work is interesting.. He exhibited for the first time in 1907 at the Salon of the Federation of Moscow Painters3. Zack also visits the hotel of the collector Chtchoukine where he admires paintings by the Impressionists and Cézanne, Matisse, Picasso. From 1910 he studied letters at the Faculty of Letters of Moscow University where he met Roman Jakobson. In 1913, Zack created the Moscow futurist movement Mezzanine of Poetry with the poet Cherchenevitch. He designed the covers of the movement's magazine and published his verses (under the pseudonym Khrisanf) and his prose (under the pseudonym M. Rossiyanski) in it. In January 1914, he met Marinetti during his visit to Moscow.